What is Low Self- Esteem?

Have you ever been dissatisfied or unhappy with yourself on the whole?

Do you ever think that you are weak, stupid, not good enough, flawed in some way, inferior to other people, useless, unattractive, unlovable or a failure?

Everyone uses these words on themselves at times, usually when they experience a challenging or stressful situation. However, if you often think of yourself in these terms, then you might have a problem with low self-esteem.

Low self-esteem can have an effect on various aspects of a person. A person with low self- esteem probably says a lot of negative things about themselves. They might criticise themselves, their actions, and abilities or joke about themselves in a negative way. They might put themselves down, doubt themselves or blame themselves when things go wrong.

Often, they might not recognise their positive qualities or brush away compliments they are given. They may focus on mistakes they have made or things that they could have done better.

Low self- esteem can also have an impact on a person’s performance at work or at school and so it is important to get some help to overcome these feelings.

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